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About The Site is my labor of love that started off as a “travel blog,” but has grown into a trusted “resource” for California destinations and history.
I’ve spent most of my life in California and have been up and down this state more times than I can remember. Over the years, I’ve really fallen in love with Cali.
The things I once took for granted as a kid, I now cherish like: many school field trips to Sutter’s Fort, family trips to Lake Tahoe, rafting down the American River, going to football games in San Francisco, trips to Disneyland, searching for shells on the Northern Coast and so much more.
For more on Rick, check out my About page.
Why California?
I truly believe California can stand up to any other place in the world. And, I am here to prove it. There is so much beauty, mystery, history and culture in this great state. The diversity of people and landscapes, makes this state one of a kind.
Show me a beautiful beach in South America, and I can show you two in California. Show me an impressive waterfall in another state, and I can show you one in California. Bottom line, I love this state and I hope CalEXPLORnia inspires you to get out there and explore California.
Content Options
With this site, there are a few options for you to enjoy the content:
Recent Articles: This section is like your typical blog format. It lists all of the recent articles that I have published. Some people find this to be the easiest way to follow a blog.
Landmarks: This section is about specific landmarks like: bridges, churches, lighthouses and more. It’s for those of you who want to skip the rest of the site and go straight to the specific types of destinations.
Contribute To The Site
If you love California and want to stretch your writing legs then send me a message. I’m looking for passionate contributors who can help in sharing the history and hikes, landscapes and lore with others.
If you are interested in inspiring and informing others about California then please use the Contact page to reach out.
If you have questions, comments or concerns then I would love to hear from you. You can reach me through the contact page or my various social media accounts.
I hope that you see the beauty of California and become inspired to get out there and explore.